Registration & Product Sales

Please select the items you wish to purchase, by placing the desired quantity in the box below each item. Various items can be combined and purchased together. Select all of the items that you want and continue to the next step. Additional information and confirmations will appear on the following pages.
You may register here or download our PDF registration form under EVENT INFORMATION.
Registration Fees
Individual Golfer ISM Member
Individual Golfer
Media Partner - Sold Out
More Player Shirt - Sold Out - 2 Foursomes Included
  • 8 Players
  • 8 Lunch Tickets
  • 16 Dinner Tickets
  • Company name and logo on tournament materials
  • Sign recognition at registration gift table
  • On course sponsor signage
  • Premium shirt to each participant with your logo
  • 8 Goody bags with sponsored gifts
  • 8 Premium gifts
More Player Gift - 2 Foursomes Included
Note Only 1 available.
  • 8 Players
  • 8 Lunch Tickets
  • 16 Dinner Tickets
  • Company name and logo on tournament materials
  • Sign recognition at registration gift table
  • On course sponsor signage
  • Arrival gift for each participant with your logo
  • 8 Goody bags with sponsored gifts
  • 8 Premium gifts
More Player Gift - 1 Foursome Included
Note Only 3 available.
  • 4 Players
  • 4 Lunch Tickets
  • 8 Dinner Tickets
  • Company name and logo on tournament materials
  • Sign recgonition at registration gift table
  • On course sponsor signage
  • Arrival gift for each participant with your logo
  • 4 Goody bags with sponsored gifts
  • 4 Premium gifts
More Golf Ball - Sold Out - 1 Foursome Included
  • 4 Players
  • 4 Lunch Tickets
  • 8 Dinner Tickets
  • Company name and logo on tournament materials
  • Sign recognition at registration gift table
  • On course sponsor signage
  • One dozen premium golf ballsfor each participant with your logo
  • 4 Goody bags with sponsored gifts
  • 4 Premium gifts
More Beverage Cart Sponsor - 1 Foursome Included
Note Only 1 available.
  • 4 Players
  • 4 Lunch Tickets
  • 8 Dinner Tickets
  • Company name and logo on beverage carts
  • On course sponsor signage
  • 4 Goody bags with sponsored gifts
  • 4 Premium gifts
More Pin Flag - 1 Foursome Included
Note Only 1 available.
  • 4 Players
  • 4 Lunch Tickets
  • 8 Dinner Tickets
  • Company name and logo on tournament materials
  • Custom pin flags with your logo on 36 holes (2 courses)
  • On course sponsor signage
  • 4 Goody bags with sponsored gifts
  • 4 Premium gifts
More Golf Cart - Sold Out - 1 Foursome Included
  • 4 Players
  • 4 Lunch Tickets
  • 8 Dinner Tickets
  • Company name and logo on tournament materials
  • Company name and logo on each golf cart
  • On course sponsor signage
  • 4 Goody bags with sponsored gifts
  • 4 Premium gifts
More Player Arrival Gift - 1 Foursome Included
Note Only 3 available.
  • 4 Players
  • 4 Lunch Tickets
  • 8 Dinner Tickets
  • Company name and logo on tournament materials
  • Sign recognition at registration table
  • On course sponsor signage
  • Arrival gift with your logo for each participant
  • 4 Goody bags with sponsored gifts
  • 4 Premium gifts
More Tournament Printer - Sold Out - 1 Foursome Included
  • 4 Players
  • 4 Lunch Tickets
  • 8 Dinner Tickets
  • Full page advertising on tournament program
  • Company name and logo on tournament materials
  • On course sponsor signage
  • 4 Goody bags with sponsored gifts
  • 4 Premium gifts
More 19th Hole - Sold Out - 2 Individuals Included
  • 2 Players
  • 2 Lunch Tickets
  • 4 Dinner Tickets
  • Company name and logo on tournament materials
  • Sponsor hospitality bar at post-tournament dinner
  • Clubhouse sponsor signage
  • On course sponsor signage
  • 4 Goody bags with sponsored gifts
  • 4 Premium gifts
More Clubhouse Dinner - 2 Individuals Included
Note Only 1 available.
  • 2 Players
  • 2 Lunch Tickets
  • 4 Dinner Tickets
  • Company name and logo on tournament materials
  • Clubhouse sponsor signage at dinner
  • On course sponsor signage
  • Buffet dinner for each participant
  • 2 Goody bags with sponsored gifts
  • 2 Premium gifts
More Clubhouse Lunch - Sold Out - 2 Individuals Included
  • 2 Players
  • 2 Lunch Tickets
  • 4 Dinner Tickets
  • Company name and logo on tournament materials
  • Clubhouse signage at lunch
  • On course sponsor signage
  • Buffet lunch for each participant
  • 2 Goody bags with sponsored gifts
  • 2 Premium gifts
More Player Gift - 2 Individuals Included
Note Only 1 available.
  • 2 Players
  • 2 Lunch Tickets
  • 4 Dinner Tickets
  • Company name and logo on tournament materials
  • Sign recognition at registration table
  • On course sponsor signage
  • Arrival gift with your logo for each participant
  • 2 Goody bags with sponsored gifts
  • 2 Premium gifts
More Player Refreshments - 2 Individuals Included
Note Only 1 available.
  • 2 Players
  • 2 Lunch Tickets
  • 4 Dinner Tickets
  • Company name and logo on tournament materials
  • On course sponsor signs at refreshment stations
  • 2 Goody bags with sponsored gift
  • 2 Premium gifts
More Tee - 1 Foursome Included
  • 4 Players
  • 4 Lunch Tickets
  • 4 Dinner Tickets
  • Company name and logo on tournament materials
  • On course sponsor signage
  • 4 Goody bags with sponsored gifts
  • 4 Premium gifts
More Green - 2 Individuals Included
  • 2 Players
  • 2 Lunch Tickets
  • 2 Dinner Tickets
  • Company name and logo on tournament materials
  • On course sponsor signage
  • 2 Goody bags with sponsored gifts
  • 2 Premium gifts
More On Course Signage - Sold Out - 2 Individuals Included
  • 2 Players
  • 2 Lunch Tickets
  • 2 Dinner Tickets
  • Company name and logo on tournament materials
  • On course sponsor signage
  • 2 Goody bags with sponsored gifts
  • 2 Premium gifts
Photography Sponsor - Sold Out
More Driving Range - Sold Out
  • 2 Dinner Tickets
  • Company name and logo on tournament materials
  • Driving Rage sponsor signage
  • Package recommended for non-golfing sponsors
More Putting Green - Sold Out
  • 2 Dinner Tickets
  • Company name and logo on tournament materials
  • Putting Green signage
  • Package recommended for non-golfing sponsors
Extra Buffet Dinner
More Quick Pack

Course events, raffle tickets, gift cards

More In-Kind Donation

Please consider a charitable donation if unable to attend. ISM Fort Worth is a 501C3 organization.

More Monetary Donation

Please consider a charitable donation if you cannot attend. We are a 501c3 non-profit.

"Golf is 90 percent inspiration and 10 percent perspiration."